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Product Management
Create, edit, and manage products.
Group products into categories and tags.
Set product variations (size, color, etc.).
Order Management
View, edit, and manage orders.
Process payments and refunds.
Generate order reports.
Payment Gateway Integration
Support for various payment methods (PayPal, Stripe, credit cards, etc.).
Secure payment processing
Shipping Options
Set shipping zones, rates, and methods
Offer free shipping, flat-rate shipping, or calculated shipping.
Tax Calculation
Automatically calculate taxes based on customer location and product type.
Support for multiple tax rates.
Customer Accounts
Allow customers to create accounts.
View order history and track shipments.
Cart and Checkout
Customizable shopping cart and checkout pages.
Guest checkout option
Marketing and Promotion
Discount coupons and codes.
Product reviews and ratings.
Integration with email marketing tools
Reporting and Analytics
Sales reports
Customer reports.
Stock management.
Secure transactions with SSL
Regular updates and security patches
Customizable themes and templates
Extensive hooks and filters for developers
CSS customization options
Multilingual Support
Translate your store into multiple languages
Support for multilingual plugins
User-Friendly Interface
Intuitive interface for both store owners and customers
Easy product management, order processing, and customization options
Extensive Customization Options
Easily customize your store’s look and functionality
Access to a vast developer community for custom development and support.
Suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.
Scalable architecture can handle high traffic and growing product catalogs
Wide Range of Payment Options
Support for numerous payment gateways, including Razorpay , Phonepe , Instamojo , Paytm , Payu, PayPal, Stripe
Ability to integrate with regional and niche payment processors
Flexible Shipping Solutions
Configure various shipping methods, rates, and zones to accommodate different shipping needs
Integration with popular shipping carriers for real-time shipping rates and label printing
Robust Security Features
Regular updates and security patches to protect against vulnerabilities.
Secure transactions with SSL encryption
Powerful Marketing Tools
Built-in tools for discounts, coupons, product reviews, and email marketing.
Integration with third-party marketing platforms for advanced marketing automation
Rich Analytics and Reporting
Comprehensive reporting and analytics features to track sales, customer behavior, and inventory.
Insights to make data-driven decisions and optimize store performance
Community Support and Resources
Active community forums, documentation, tutorials, and online resources for assistance
Access to a vibrant ecosystem of developers, designers, and WooCommerce experts
Built-in SEO features and compatibility with SEO plugins to optimize your store for search engines
Helps improve visibility and drive organic traffic to your store.
Global Reach
Multilingual support and localization options to reach customers worldwide.
Currency conversion and tax calculation features for international sales
Community Support and Resources
Active community forums, documentation, tutorials, and online resources for assistance
Access to a vibrant ecosystem of developers, designers, and WooCommerce experts
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